Saturday, October 16, 2010

Food! Glorious Food!

I don't think it ia any surprise that I love food. Last night I went out with my hubby for a much needed date for our 5th anniversary. We went to a lovely restaurant downtown and so enjoyed our meal! It was yummy! I don't know if you would call me a foodie, but I might be.

Thing is, once again, I feel like my love/hate relationship with food has returned for the time being. In my 28th week I was once again diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. I have to say though that my numbers are not near as high as they were the first time around. And instead of going straight to insulin to bring my numbers down we are going to try and control them with food. This is good. Thing is I hate being told what I can and cannot eat. Hum - reminds me of someone little I know! (Apple = tree in this case).

I don't know why but this time around, either because I am more aware of the complications that GD can cause with the baby and me, or simply because I have been down this road before, I feel more confident to do this without insulin this time. It could also be because my numbers are not near as high too.

I also think because I have been through this once, I have been better prepared and have asked better questions. For instance - my elevated fast number - why is that happening when I can get the rest under control by morning snack. Is it because I am not eating enough carb and protein at night, during the day? How does undereating my carbs allocations impact my numbers and my body? How does exercise impact overall? I did find out that just 5-10 minutes of exercise right after breakfast will help to bring down my morning numbers and with just 30 to 40 minutes a day I can also help to bring my fasting numbers lower too. This is good to know, and yes, the good thing is that chasing a 2 year old around does count as activity!!! :) Still, 5-10 minutes after breakie, when you aren't awake is tough to do.

I have definitely seen lower numbers with just three days of more regular exercise but my mornings are still a little high. I am working at trying to figure out the best combination of food at night and then food for breakfast to stay under my 7.8. Caffeine first thing is out because that can actually hold onto sugar thus elevating my numbers at breakfast. As coffee is my after breakfast treat, peppermint tea helps me greet the day!

Yes I can't have exactly what I want when I want it right now but that is okay. I can still have the occassional treat. It is just really hard to say no when all those iddy biddy chocolate bars are hanging out in the stores for Halloween. Even though they still call out to me when I walk by, "Sheila, oh Sheila, I am over here"! I just pretend they are talking to someone else in the store!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

At the end of September, we had some shots taken of Sophie for her 2nd Birthday October 2, 2010. Here are just some of the photos.

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Day of Thanksgiving

I believe I am a very thankful person. I appreciate the life we have, the friends, the family, my incredible hubby and my precious daughter. The allergy scare that we experienced the Sunday of Thanksgiving, around noon, has made me sit back and relish just how lucky we are.

So Sunday, I was making dessert (yummy, yummy Black Bottom Dessert) to take to my family's Thanksgiving Dinner at my brothers. My little helper had just had her lunch and was getting ready for her nap. She had been helping my make the dessert in the morning, so the step stool that she had been standing on to supervise was still in its place waiting for her return. She came to see how I was progressing on dessert and decided while there to taste what mommy had made. When I saw her licking the beater's I wasn't worried - only contained butter, icing sugar, eggs and vanilla. It was as I was finishing the clean up, and I heard her start to cough a lot that I realized there was something going on. By the time I turned to look at her (2-3 minutes tops) she was starting to break out in hives and was starting to have problems breathing.

Needless to say the next few minutes are a bit of a blur - I ran to get the Benadryl to give her as she wasn't to the point where I needed to administer her Epi-pen. I tried to get her to take the Benadryl, which didn't work and then then the vomiting started. Okay - get it out of your system that is good was all I could think. Still once that was done you could tell she was still having problems breathing. So at this point I called my hubby, told him what was happening and that I was taking her to the hospital. I wasn't playing around with this.

As we were leaving she seemed better, though kept scratching at her neck because it was itchy and bugging her (hives). On the way to the hospital, the vomit started again (remember I am pregnant and in an enclosed space) and this one dwarfed the first, but she got everything out of her system that time. By the time we got to the hospital (which thankfully wasn't busy at all) she seemed a thousand times better. Still, we were there, might as well get her checked.

I am truly thankful that we have a leading class Children's Hospital in our town. Our doctor, the staff and most of the nurses at the hospital were great - though stumped by what had caused this. Considering she seemed back to normal by the time we got in and got checked out! I figured we were being labelled as overprotective parents until . . .well the one look the nurse gave me as I ate a Larabar while we waited, told the whole story.

You know when you meet someone who you can just tell doesn't like you, even if you have never met that person before. Well that was the sense I got from this nurse yesterday.

You have to remember, all this took place over the lunch hour, so guess who didn't get to eat - 28 weeks pregnant and not eating (not even thinking about the Gestational Diabetes aspect) just don't go together. To me the Larabar was a saviour at the bottom of my purse.

Thing is, there are no peanuts anywhere in our house and I am diligent about reading labels and making sure that the things she is eating are peanut and nut free (even though we have to troubles with other nuts). Yes I know that things happen and peanuts can get in even where they aren't supposed to but that wasn't the case yesterday. And no I wasn't eating a Larabar while making the dessert, which brings us back to the end of our visit to the ER. The doctor had cleared us to leave, was going to send a referral to the allergist we had seen a year ago when this all started, when she came back and closed the curtain, which I thought was weird but somehow knew what was coming.

Only at the end of our visit did she ask about the "granola bar" I was eating. I told her I don't keep the kind with peanuts in our house and this one contained almonds and cashews. I know those sneaky peanuts could be in there too, but the point is, I wasn't eating anything, ANYTHING, when all this went down. And while I ate this, did you notice it having an adverse affect on my child? NO! Also, I haven't had a Larabar in weeks and the last time was probably in the car while running errands. Once again, a closed in space and no ill affects then?

The doctor went on about Cross contamination and how we have to be extra careful, especially when dealing with an allergy like this one. I know she is just doing her job but after all this, it just made me angry!

First and foremost, if you are going to question my parenting - do it when we get there or when you see me eating the dreaded granola bar. At least give me the chance to defend myself instead of allowing me to feel that I have been judged and convicted without a proper trial! Okay that may be a little overdramatic but still, I already felt guilty enough about what had happened and was racking my brain to try to figure out what could have caused it without the additional judgement being place on me.

We may never know what caused yesterday's attack. What I will take from this is that we will continue to be diligent about what Sophie eats, we have too. I have also spent enough time worrying about what that doctor and nurse think I might have done or caused. I am the one who know's what was happening in our house, when it happened. For the love of my child and the fact that she is perfectly fine today - I am truly thankful!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Baby is Turning 2!

I know, I know. She isn't a baby anymore! She is a toddler and every day, more and more an active, outgoing, fun loving, independent, stubborn, creative, engineer in training, people person! Such a big little girl! So many times a day I look at her and what she is doing and see my husband in her - there is no doubt she has his engineering brain! But then every now and then, more on the now these days, I see some of me popping out in her - she is definitely a people person and I know where she got that from!

Everyday is an adventure and as we move closer to 2,I am terrified of what is yet to come. I think this is because I see more and more the range of emotions that she is just learning she has and has to control. Of course everything is "MINE", and if she doesn't get her way, total meltdown is only a tantrum away. Now I know there are ways to control these - if she is tired or hungry, the meltdown will be on a grander scale! Yet, I also know that these are just a part of her learning and growing. She will eventually grow out of these too, just not anytime soon!

I guess part of my fear stems from being able to keep up with her once the new baby is here. I have never been one to just go with the flow - I am a planner and need to have all the information in front of me. NO SURPRISES! I guess this too will teach me more about patience while at the same time LOVE. I love my daughter with all my heart and know that I will love both equally, I just want to make sure that Sophie knows it.

So as we move closer to 2, which I am finding a harder transition than her turning 1 I will treasure each moment (even the tantrums) and continue to love her more and more each day. Some days it will test my patience to the extreme but I know that we will come out on top.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lifes Twists and Turns

So, I know it has been a long while since I last blogged. Life has taken some crazy turns in the past weeks and well, my brain wasn't really in the writing mode! Also, every time I sat down to write I would be interrupted to go and "play" or some other reason!

What's been going on? Well for starters, my child is back to her old ways of waking up at night, needing mommy and a bottle to get back to sleep. Chock it up to teeth, having a cold that lasted forever, trying to sort out how to get her to fall asleep on her own, going away to the cottage for a week, food issues and not wanting to eat these days - you name it, we have run the gambit! I do have to say though that while she has been driving me crazy at nights, she is a great napper now. Down around 12:30generally and out for 2 to 2 1/2hours some days. It is lovely to have a child that is finally so predictable in this area.

Still I wonder how I got to this point. My child is now 21 months old, we are pregnant with our second - due late December, and I am still at home. The last part seems to be the most surprising to people. Why? I was always the go-go-go person. Had two jobs, maybe more, volunteered, did lots of stuff. But honestly I can say that the most rewarding job I have ever had is being a mom.

Staying home well that was because I wanted out of fundraising and just couldn't put my child in daycare. (Kudos to all the moms I know who do work! It just wasn't the right choice for us).I am fortunate to have a husband who has a very good job that allows me to stay home and raise our child. Still I struggle with making sure she is properly stimulated and is on the appropriate "learning curve" versus the crap that needs to be done around the house. If I could just focus on her as my only task I would love it! There is no shortage of things we can do - in and out of the house! It is how do I fit in the laundry, dishes, and general day to day, let alone now start try to clean out the office which will become Sophie's bedroom?

Babysitter - says it in one word. Our next door neighbour is 16 and Sophie just loves her. So I have taken the bull by the horns last week and when we can am bringing her in to babysit, just so that I can get some stuff done around the house this summer - especially in the office. There is nothing like the prospect of having another child to kick your butt in high gear to get those things done around the house that you may have been procrastinating on - just ask my hubby, he has been a machine getting the house painted after 6 years, the cedars in our backyard removed, the garden shed cleaned out along with the garage. Now if I could just get him to focus on the office with me for a day . . . Well a girl can dream can't she!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cheating on my House!

I feel like I am cheating on my house. I also feel like I am being buried alive by all the stuff in my house! I know that I need to really make a concerted effort to start going through things and getting rid of some of this stuff and organize the rest, but how do you do that with a toddler?

I am truly struggling with this these days. I have so many little projects started but nothing finished that it is beginning to drive me crazy. I feel that all I do each day is the bare minimum to get us through the day - laundry (maybe one load, two if we are having a good day), dishes, cleaning up toys, maybe get the bathroom clean, make meals. I have great plans each morning - today I am going bake something yummy for my family, or I am going to sort through the clothes in the office and get them packed away or I am going dust my bedroom. Still none of it gets done.

The one reason for all of this is the time I spent at the gym from January to April -2 hours a day, 3 days a week. By the time I would get to the gym and then home it was time for lunch and then naps (I can't seem to give up my afternoon nap no matter how hard I try). My workouts would seriously kick my butt so that I would need them. Now I think it is just a habit. I don't regret this though - I lost 19 inches overall and feel really good. Now I haven't been to the gym in a week so I need to figure out how to fit it back into my schedule this week but still . . . Part of me thinks I need some time with my home!

So starting tomorrow I am somehow going to knock one TO DO off my list. Start slowly and take it one day at a time. Rome wasn't built in a day and we certainly didn't accumulate all this stuff over night so we will take our time and see what we can get done! Wish me luck!

Monday, April 12, 2010

All Done!

These are two words my daughter is very good at saying these days - ALL DONE! We use it at dinner time generally to tell us when she is finished eating. But we have started using it at other times - like when we are playing, reading stories, or at the end of bath time.

She says it with such fervor - ALLLL Done! ALLL Done! It makes us laugh each time she says it. We did teach her the sign language for all done - waving your hands to the sides and this did work for a long time, but we always said the words too just so she would learn it eventually. Well that day came - the signing stopped and the words came, eagerly.

So ALLL Done! works at the end of dinner or when mommy has had a long day and she is ALLLL Done! All done will also be monumental for me on Wednesday as I have my last and final training session. I will be ALLLLL Done! And I feel somewhat guilty saying this but I am looking forward to being done.

Why? Well, simply, I need a change in programs and what I am doing. I also think I need a little more flexibility in when I go to the gym. Since January, I have been going 3 days a week, sometimes less, sometimes more, still 3 days a week at 9:00 in the morning. That was the best time for us and really helped to establish a good routine. In fact, at least 5 out of 7 days a week we are out of the house by 9:00 a.m. I am looking forward to next week when I can choose to go or not go.

The thing that worries me though is falling off the wagon and continuously making excuses not to go - oh the laundry needs to be done, the house needs to be cleaned, we had a rough night of sleep - even as I write them they all sound lame. Even in the last 3 weeks, with bad nights of sleep, I have gotten my butt in gear and gone. But will the "pressure" to go disappear when my trainer does? I think because I am aware of this worry, I will be cognizant of making sure that doesn't happen. I still plan on trying to keep a pretty similar schedule - there by 9ish - but if we want to go to playgroup we will have a better chance of getting there with more than 1/2 hour left!

All in all, I am looking forward to the change that is coming. I will be developing my own program. I have done a lot of learning about my body - mostly about the hurts - I have patella femoral syndrome in my left knee and possibly a leftover car accident injury (shoulder) from 14 years ago. I have also spent a lot of time listening (to my trainer), asking questions, reading and learning in the past 4 months and for the first time in a long time I am excited about the possibilities that lay ahead. I can see the changes that have taken place in my body - my calf muscles are a lot closer to being the same size again! And I look forward to continuing my fitness journey. But sshhhh! Don't tell my trainer but between you and I, I don't plan on going near the chest press machine any time soon! Somehow I don't think it will miss me either :)