Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lifes Twists and Turns

So, I know it has been a long while since I last blogged. Life has taken some crazy turns in the past weeks and well, my brain wasn't really in the writing mode! Also, every time I sat down to write I would be interrupted to go and "play" or some other reason!

What's been going on? Well for starters, my child is back to her old ways of waking up at night, needing mommy and a bottle to get back to sleep. Chock it up to teeth, having a cold that lasted forever, trying to sort out how to get her to fall asleep on her own, going away to the cottage for a week, food issues and not wanting to eat these days - you name it, we have run the gambit! I do have to say though that while she has been driving me crazy at nights, she is a great napper now. Down around 12:30generally and out for 2 to 2 1/2hours some days. It is lovely to have a child that is finally so predictable in this area.

Still I wonder how I got to this point. My child is now 21 months old, we are pregnant with our second - due late December, and I am still at home. The last part seems to be the most surprising to people. Why? I was always the go-go-go person. Had two jobs, maybe more, volunteered, did lots of stuff. But honestly I can say that the most rewarding job I have ever had is being a mom.

Staying home well that was because I wanted out of fundraising and just couldn't put my child in daycare. (Kudos to all the moms I know who do work! It just wasn't the right choice for us).I am fortunate to have a husband who has a very good job that allows me to stay home and raise our child. Still I struggle with making sure she is properly stimulated and is on the appropriate "learning curve" versus the crap that needs to be done around the house. If I could just focus on her as my only task I would love it! There is no shortage of things we can do - in and out of the house! It is how do I fit in the laundry, dishes, and general day to day, let alone now start try to clean out the office which will become Sophie's bedroom?

Babysitter - says it in one word. Our next door neighbour is 16 and Sophie just loves her. So I have taken the bull by the horns last week and when we can am bringing her in to babysit, just so that I can get some stuff done around the house this summer - especially in the office. There is nothing like the prospect of having another child to kick your butt in high gear to get those things done around the house that you may have been procrastinating on - just ask my hubby, he has been a machine getting the house painted after 6 years, the cedars in our backyard removed, the garden shed cleaned out along with the garage. Now if I could just get him to focus on the office with me for a day . . . Well a girl can dream can't she!

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