Saturday, October 16, 2010

Food! Glorious Food!

I don't think it ia any surprise that I love food. Last night I went out with my hubby for a much needed date for our 5th anniversary. We went to a lovely restaurant downtown and so enjoyed our meal! It was yummy! I don't know if you would call me a foodie, but I might be.

Thing is, once again, I feel like my love/hate relationship with food has returned for the time being. In my 28th week I was once again diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. I have to say though that my numbers are not near as high as they were the first time around. And instead of going straight to insulin to bring my numbers down we are going to try and control them with food. This is good. Thing is I hate being told what I can and cannot eat. Hum - reminds me of someone little I know! (Apple = tree in this case).

I don't know why but this time around, either because I am more aware of the complications that GD can cause with the baby and me, or simply because I have been down this road before, I feel more confident to do this without insulin this time. It could also be because my numbers are not near as high too.

I also think because I have been through this once, I have been better prepared and have asked better questions. For instance - my elevated fast number - why is that happening when I can get the rest under control by morning snack. Is it because I am not eating enough carb and protein at night, during the day? How does undereating my carbs allocations impact my numbers and my body? How does exercise impact overall? I did find out that just 5-10 minutes of exercise right after breakfast will help to bring down my morning numbers and with just 30 to 40 minutes a day I can also help to bring my fasting numbers lower too. This is good to know, and yes, the good thing is that chasing a 2 year old around does count as activity!!! :) Still, 5-10 minutes after breakie, when you aren't awake is tough to do.

I have definitely seen lower numbers with just three days of more regular exercise but my mornings are still a little high. I am working at trying to figure out the best combination of food at night and then food for breakfast to stay under my 7.8. Caffeine first thing is out because that can actually hold onto sugar thus elevating my numbers at breakfast. As coffee is my after breakfast treat, peppermint tea helps me greet the day!

Yes I can't have exactly what I want when I want it right now but that is okay. I can still have the occassional treat. It is just really hard to say no when all those iddy biddy chocolate bars are hanging out in the stores for Halloween. Even though they still call out to me when I walk by, "Sheila, oh Sheila, I am over here"! I just pretend they are talking to someone else in the store!

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